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boat details

Yamaha GPR1300 GP1300R Jetski Jet Ski Trailer Bike

Estimated price for orientation: 3 300 $

Category: Water Scooters

Manufacturer: Yamaha Use: Fresh Water, Salt Water
Year of Registration: 2007

Advertised for a friend.Yamaha GPR1300 with 79 hours from newIn excellent condition and ready to useNew wide beach launch wheels and tyres just fittedPlease note we are not desperate to sell, we don't need the money for kids Christmas presents, a holiday or a new car, do not phone wasting my time with the usual eBay chat:"Wots da best cash price m8""Wood u swop for a 54 plate 307 LX, an X-box 360 and £120 2 nite""Ma m8 just bot a 2009 for £2200 cash so urz is only worf a grand topz"If you live in Wales that's your problem, we won't be dropping £500 from the asking price to cover your fuel, your hotel and your wife's 60 a day Regal habit and 3 visits to KFC for your 8 kids.Any serious questions give me a call on 07791494309